Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bisous, Graham

When I first envisioned Saint Clare, I knew what I wanted it to be and the kind of people I wanted to share it with. So far, I have been incredibly, amazingly lucky: out of tens of thousands of people isl, I met Orson, Roland and Graham. All three men have become intrinsic parts of Saint Clare's nature. So, I am selfishly sad to hear Graham will be leaving Saint Clare, but I am very happy it is because rl is taking an exciting new turn for him.

I met Graham when I worked at Popscene almost a year ago. I don't remember if I started talking to him because he is French and I am a raging Francophile or if he tried hitting on me. :P In all honesty, I think we just started talking about music. And music talk led to travel talk..and travel led to people..and people somehow led back to music.

Even though Graham threatened to eat the ducks in the Harbor so many times I ended up naming them Pâté and Cassoulet, I know Saint Clare was special to him, too. I hope he doesn't mind that I share this, but Graham grew up in Marseilles, a port town in France. He enjoyed Saint Clare's harbor in a way that was very specific to his memories of family and childhood, the way we have all found something on SC to connect with. Maybe the beaches are your rl touchstone that remind you of home, or the Harbor, or sitting around the fire at night. I personally will always remember the afternoon Graham told me about Marseilles while we stood on SC's dock and fed the ducks.

Lots of love from all of us Graham! Thank you for being a part of Saint Clare from the beginning. Thank you for teaching me what I had been doing wrong when I made quiche. :) Thank you for being a sweet and loyal friend, which is rare irl and even rarer isl.

Between you and me? I am confident Graham will come back to visit us. Le Diable chie toujours au même endroit. :D

Bisous et je t'embrasse, mon ami.


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